September 29, 2007
September 28, 2007
God Let Pinky in on a Little Secret Over a Cup of Chai
September 27, 2007
The Truth is Stranger than Fiction

September 25, 2007
Excerpt from Pinky's Lastest Novella
...The end was so unthinkable that the demon feasting that filled her head day and night actually became her deliverance. It became louder. Rotten chomping teeth grinding up the heavy, baroque silver meat trays. Rivers of feces running in deafening torrents outside her impossibly sweltering room. Ripping fabric like thunderous clouds of farts from hoards of demon whores. This was how she knew she was still alive and her possessions safe.
September 24, 2007
Diablo Family Ancestral Heirloom
September 20, 2007
September 19, 2007
Pinky D's Word of the Day: Pareidolia

The term pareidolia (pronounced/pɛɹaɪˈdoliÉ™/ or /pæɹaɪˈdəʊliÉ™/), referenced in 1994 by Pinky Diablo, describes a psychological phenomenon involving a vague and random stimulus(often an image or sound) being perceived as significant. Common examples include images of animals or faces in clouds, the man in the moon and hidden on records played in reverse. The word comes from the Greek para — beside, with or alongside — and eidolon — image (the diminutive of eidos — image, form, shape). Pareidolia is a type of apophenia.
September 18, 2007
September 17, 2007
September 16, 2007
Pinky Sends Out a Big Thanks to LS for Her Quick Response
Pinky comforts the remaining giraffes.
Pinky thoughtfully files the okapis’ hooves.
Pinky moisturizes the crocodiles.
Pinky expertly grooms the orangutans.
Pinky shows the flamingoes a thing or two about pinkness.
Pinky lovingly garnishes the lions’ dinner.
Odd Prayer Request
Pinky is calling on his flock for help. He has interviewed at the
(blank #1 should have a verb that is about caring for animals)
(blank #2 should have a type of animal you can imagine Pinky handling)
Appropriate adverbs and adjectives are welcome.
Pinky hugs the naked mole rats.
Pinky gives solace to a dwarf mongoose.
Pinky carefully combs the hissing
(Beware: Pinky will send you to Hell if you get too out of hand with your verbs. After all, this is to develop an aura of positive ions around the zoo hiring committee—not a stink of perverseness.)
Thanks in advance,
Senior Vice-President in Charge of Keeping Pinky Off the Street
Diablo Inc.
September 14, 2007
A Little Reading Can Really Screw Things Up

September 13, 2007
Gerard Krerfft, Naturalist Forefather of Pinky Diablo

Gerard Krefft, who collected eight specimens near the junction of the Murray and Darling rivers in 1857, took a drawing of a specimen with him to show to Aborigines, to help explain that this was the animal he was anxious to procure. Unfortunately the only drawing he could obtain was of a specimen that had lost its tail, and his Aboriginal helpers brought him any number of common bandicoots with their tails screwed out, before finally arriving with two living pig-footed bandicoots. Krefft, who was on short rations at the time, studied them for some time before he was forced to kill them. He recorded that ‘they are very good eating, and I am sorry to say that my appetite more than once overruled my love for science; but 24 hours upon "pig face" (Mesembryanthemum) will damp the ardour of any naturalist.’
September 12, 2007
Pinky Continues to Stay in Character

Pinky has been practicing for his Bollywood debut as Hanuman. Today he painted french doors for a friend and stayed in the Hamuman costume and character. Pinky constantly asks himself: WWHD?
The monkeys and bears decided that since Hanuman was the son of the Wind God, Vyu, he was the best at jumping and must leap to Lanka. Hanuman had his father's energy and swiftness, power and strength. (When Hanuman was a child he thought the sun was a ripe fruit and tried to jump up and catch it. He jumped so high that he nearly got burnt, but the Sun was impressed and gave Hanuman the gift of immortality as a reward for his courage and cleverness.)
Rama gave Hanuman his ring, to give to Sita. Hanuman prayed to his father and jumped. (Hanuman's leap is the subject of many paintings.) Hanuman leapt over the ocean, escaping several devouring demons that he met on the way. Here you can see him jumping through the jaws of Surasa, a sea monster, on the way to the island of Lanka.
September 11, 2007
Pableau X's Birthplace

The one-room cabin in which Pableau X was born bears an uncanny resemblance to the Unabomber's shack.
September 10, 2007
September 9, 2007
Self-Portaiture in the Mid-Century

Goya was Da' Bomb

Pinky dislikes ALL paintings. However, he doesn't consider frescoes painting (They're more like architecture.) This is Pinky's all time favorite non-painting. Miss Love agrees with Pinky's painting proclamation. On a recent car trip, she announced from the backseat (she refuses to sit in the front with Pinky), "The best art is a window." Who can argue with that?
Let Me Count the Ways (This is Rhetorical and/or Literary--You know Pinky Rarely Uses the First Person)
1. Pinky loves looking at old photos
2. Pinky loves old photos with handwriting on them
3. Pinky has had a long standing fascination with Dazzle camouflage from WWI
4. The word "leviathan" scares the pants off him!
5. You are just plain ignorant if you do not love the shape of that second "S" in H.S.S.