September 16, 2007

Odd Prayer Request

Pinky is calling on his flock for help. He has interviewed at the local zoo for an Animal Keeper position. He is confident the interview went well (considering the ridiculous Crocodile Hunter get-up he was wearing), but a little mojo from his friends wouldn’t hurt. Please follow these directions and return your mojo sentence to Pinky. Extra Pinky Heaven Points if you send this to your group of friends and have them send Pinky their zoo keeper prayer.

Pinky __________s ______________.
(blank #1 should have a verb that is about caring for animals)
(blank #2 should have a type of animal you can imagine Pinky handling)
Appropriate adverbs and adjectives are welcome.

Pinky hugs the naked mole rats.
Pinky gives solace to a dwarf mongoose.
Pinky carefully combs the hissing Madagascar coachroach.

(Beware: Pinky will send you to Hell if you get too out of hand with your verbs. After all, this is to develop an aura of positive ions around the zoo hiring committee—not a stink of perverseness.)

Thanks in advance,
Senior Vice-President in Charge of Keeping Pinky Off the Street
Diablo Inc.