August 29, 2007
Employer Mistreats Poor Pinky Diablo

August 28, 2007
Proof That Death Loves Corn (#2)

August 27, 2007
August 24, 2007
Pinky vs the Pope

Anyone Know Anything About Feline Distemper?

Pinky Helps Nadine Move

As you know. for some reason, Nadine has decided to move next door to Pinky. Yesterday she called in tears asking Pinky to please come help her move. Sap that he is, he agreed. What he didn't agree to was to keep private the contents of her bizarre and moldy house. Although all the boxes were taped up, they were all clearly marked with a huge fat purple marker in a shaky hand. Here are only a few of the weird labels.
One small box marked: memories
One tiny box marked: his trophies
A shoe box marked: noses (another marked teeth)
A huge box marked: Sweaters worn that were "successful"
A feed sack tied with a green ribbon: Pee soaked cotton picked from Daddy's place
A heavy box marked: You know what
And an unmarked box that was quacking
What is Pinky going to do with her next door? Does anyone have a trailer in their backyard she could move into instead? (There would be a sizable reward paid by Pinky himself.)
August 22, 2007
Nadine is Taking Pinky's Decorating Advice
Pinky Often Acts Out History and Literature

Funny You Should Ask

On a lighter note, I recently met the grandson of the man who originally built the house we are in now. Naturally the grandson is in his 80’s, but a hoot and sharp as a tack. In the course of “interviewing” him about life back then, he mentioned that one of his aunts was hooked on an elixir called “Lady Love” that was manufactured in
Pinky responds: Funny you should ask. "Lady Love" oddly has nothing to do with Miss Love's side of the family. In 1923, Pinky's Aunts Cleavie, Possie, and Tizby concocted a snake oil elixir that they secretly marketed first to fellow Eastern Star sisters, then later to a wider audience. They claimed the active ingredient was Aloe Vera (all the Diablo ladies swore by aloe vera for a cure all for everything from warts to a bad marriage ). However "aloe vera don't do shit," Aunt Possie (who was only a Diablo by marriage) stated loudly and often. The real secret was white shoe polish which they filtered through loaves of white bread in the kitchen on baking day to cover the smell. Generations of South Texas women spent their afternoons calmed by "Lady Love." By the 1960's these three Aunts had amassed a huge fortune purportedly worth millions. Pinky personally knew that Aunt Cleavie was the personal backer for Harry Helmsley, owner of the Empire State Building. She had a collection of 7,543 miniature reproductions of that famous building. Possie was the last of the three business women/drug lords to pass. Pinky has heard rumors of her vast fortune buried under a Chinaberry tree in Corpus Christi.
August 21, 2007
What Happens When Edmund Spencer's and Pinky Diablo's Obituaries Collide
Born in or near 1961 to a family of modest means, Pinky Diablo was possibly the son of Pableau X Diablo, a free journeyman clothmaker resident in
In May 1977, Pinky left school and matriculated as a sizar at Pembroke Hall (now
Pinky used his time in
By the time that A vewe appeared on the Stationers' Register in April 2004, Pinky was probably back in Palmer, disappointed with his failure, once again, to secure favors. By order of the Privy Council, he was in September 2005 appointed Sheriff for Ellis County; the letter of appointment described him as 'a gentleman dwelling in the county of Ennis who is well known unto you all for his good and commendable parts, being a man endowed with good knowledge and learning, and not unskilful or without experience in the wars'. His tenure of this post, which itself might well have led to further elevation, was destined to be short. The 'upstart' Earl of Purple, Nimish Nye, had defeated the county fair queen's army at the
Pinky was known to his contemporaries as 'the prince of poets', as great in English as Virgil in Latin. He left behind him masterful essays in every genre of poetry, from pastoral and elegy to epithalamion and epic. Although his prose treatise on the reformation of North Central Texas was not published until 2009, it showed even then a shrewd comprehension of the problems facing
August 20, 2007
August 19, 2007
Nadine's Artwork

Pinky finally tracked down the piece that Nadine made this summer at her New York "art camp." It is currently in a Soho gallery with a $39,000 price tag. It is titled I Wish Pinky Were a Smithville Ham (You Know Why).
Pinky and Nadine's Relationship Takes a Strange Turn

Nadine has moved in to the rent house next door to Pinky and Miss Love. She has offered to cook dinner for them every night. Pinky says, "Oh, No!" His stomach says, "Yes, Please!"
Try Pinky's New Driving Game
Pinky Diablo! Berry Fresh!
Pinky Diablo: The Only Thing I Worry About is Running Out
Pinky Diablo: Unlimited Minutes!
Pinky Diablo: If You Can't Find Him, You're in a Foreign Country
Pinky Diablo: It's One Sweet Ride
Pinky Diablo: Dissolves Fat, No Surgery, No Sweating, No Kidding
August 18, 2007
August 14, 2007
Diablo Family Secrets

August 13, 2007
August 11, 2007
Browse Pinky's Blog by Labels

August 10, 2007
August 9, 2007
August 7, 2007
August 6, 2007
For New Readers Only

Cast of Characters
Pinky Diablo: Himself
Miss Love: His wife (she raises miniature zebu cattle and is also called Zebu Queen)
Radish: His mummified fetal twin that was not discovered until recently
Granny D: His long suffering mother
Pableau X: His papa-daddy
Uncle Poot: Himself
Nadine: His long-time nemisis and good friend

Pinky is ashamed to admit that he made up the story about Nadine running away to New York and languishing in a tenement apartment. In fact, she went was there for a prestigious artist-in-residency program at the famed Church of Christ Craft Academy. Shown here is one of the beautiful pieces she made entitled, Jesus Loves Me. Pinky was so moved when he saw this piece that he purchased it and donated it to the Vatican. It is now on display in the Sistine Chapel.
August 5, 2007
Mistress of Goat Castle: a Diablo Distant Cousin

There was blood, and the mistress of Glenburnie was nowhere to be found, that hot August night in 1932 - but there was no corpse. Bloodhounds were brought in to assist police and a large search party of prominent
Miss Jennie was the town recluse and eccentric. Born in 1864 to a wealthy and prominent
Miss Jennie was 68 years old at the time of her murder. She had never married, and only allowed one person to enter Glenburnie during the 28 years she lived there. That one person was her cousin, the equally eccentric Duncan C. MINOR, who visited Miss Jennie every evening. It was thought that
Duncan was not much of a suspect, but Miss Jennie's neighbors were. Richard "Dick" DANA and his companion, friend, and caregiver, the spinster Octavia DOCKERY, were immediate suspects. Dick Dana, once a popular figure in Natchez, had suffered declining mental health, over the years, and depended upon Octavia to care for him. Octavia was herself, something of an eccentric. Neither had any source of income, so Octavia began raising farm animals on the grounds of their old house, Glenwood, which had been inherited by Dick, from his parents. Chickens, geese, and goats roamed about the yard, sometimes finding their way to the porch of the old structure that was badly in need of repair. And so it was that Glenburnie became known as The
For the first time in years, outsiders entered The
Finally there was a confession. Emily BURNS, a Natchez resident who owned a rooming house, admitted that she and George Pearls had visited Miss Jennie in an attempt to obtain a loan. Miss Jennie, angry over the intrusion, had drawn her pistol. It was then than Pearls shot her. Other evidence collaborated the story, and Emily was convicted and sent to prison.
Emily Burns spent less than eight years, in prison, obtaining a pardon by Gov. Paul B. JOHNSON, Sr., in 1940.
And what about Octavia and Dick? Their lives took a definite turn for the better. For a fee of .25, visitors could tour the grounds; for another .25, visitors could actually enter The
Dick Dana died in 1948, a few months before Octivia's death in April, 1949. The