October 31, 2008
October 28, 2008
Letter to Jesus

October 26, 2008
Pinky Lost Your Address
Pinky's laptop hard drive blew up this week-end taking with it all of Pinky's stories, password files and the address of the lovely viewer who was requesting to purchase a piece titled: In Hell's Garden There is Only One Dead Blade of Glass. Please send Pinky your info again--His people are working on retrieving the lost info, but it looks grim. (tomfsale@hughes.net)
October 25, 2008
Chicken Fetish

You may recognize this tiny chicken from a previous post. Pinky sculpted this tiny raw chicken from Fimo while waiting for Miss Love at the pedicure parlor. It is not for sale, but Pinky has received so much interest in these that mass production will start soon. Move over, Bo Pilgrim--a new chicken king is in town!
Diablo Family Shame

October 21, 2008
October 19, 2008
October 17, 2008
Pinky's Prerogative
Pinky Needs Meat
October 16, 2008
October 12, 2008
Uncle Poot and His 9th Wife

October 10, 2008
The Ending of Pinky's Version of Pandora's Box
As she sliced the pods, she imagined them as swollen slimy worms. Each portioned segment seemed to wiggle in its own slime on the cutting board. Dora was disgusted at this hallucination, but was compelled to continue. Now lightning and thunder were shaking the windows and thick drops began to fall on the roof with a not-so-sweet plop. The okra pieces were rolled in cornmeal while the cast iron pot on the stove sizzled with grease. Dora prided herself on clean, fresh lard, but this batch was dark and sour and spattered like the not-so-sweet rain plops. The raindrops were turning into a curtain of water enveloping the house. The grease smoked and bubbled. Dora scooped the okra up with her hands and dropped them in the oil all at once. She was knocked back from the stove by leaping fingers of fire and squeals like piglets drowning. A flaming plague of affliction poured into the air. Charred bits of Envy and Malice and Spite and Revenge filled the kitchen with an unbearable odor as they struggled to escape from the windows now shattering from both Hail and Fire and Hatred. Onto beautiful Dora splattered Gout and Boils and Hemorrhoids. Stress and Rheumatism were Hatred’s filthy handmaidens. Dora was buried with the Evils of the world before they escaped into the garden and of course the county and world beyond.
October 9, 2008
October 8, 2008
Horrifying Investor News from the Forest