April 30, 2007
What do Pinky Diablo and Joseph Smith Have in Common?
April 29, 2007
Uncle Poot was a Cross-Dresser
Pinky was Pimped Out
Pinky had No Idea About the Agressive Tendencies of Peanuts
internecine \in-ter-NESS-een\
1 : marked by slaughter : deadly; especially : mutually destructive
*2 : of, relating to, or involving conflict within a group
Example sentence:
When Pinky put the two peanuts together , it didn't take long for the internecine feuding to begin.
Did you know?
"Internecine" comes from the Latin "internecinus" ("fought to the death" or "destructive"), which traces to the verb "necare" ("to kill") and the prefix "inter-." ("Inter-" usually means "between" or "mutual" in Latin, but it can also indicate the completion of an action.) "Internecine" meant "deadly" when it appeared in English in 1663, but when Samuel Johnson entered it in his dictionary almost a century later, he was apparently misled by "inter-" and defined the word as "endeavouring mutual destruction." Johnson's definition was carried into later dictionaries, and before long his sen se was the dominant meaning of the word. "Internecine" developed the association with internal group conflict in the 20th century, and that's the most common sense today.
*Indicates the sense illustrated in the example sentence.
April 27, 2007
April 26, 2007
April 25, 2007
April 23, 2007
What do Pinky and the Mock Turtle have in Common?
Beautiful Soup, so rich and green,
Waiting in a hot tureen!
Who for such dainties would not stoop?
Soup of the evening, beautiful Soup!
Soup of the evening, beautiful Soup!
Beau--ootiful Soo--oop!
Beau--ootiful Soo--oop!
Soo--oop of the e--e--eveing,
Beautiful, beautiful Soup!
Softly falls thy silv'ry light,
As thou movest from earth so far,
Star of the evening, beautiful star,
Beau--ti-ful star,
Beau--ti-ful star,
Star--of the eve--ning
Beautiful, beautiful star.
Beautiful Pinky so pure and pink
A delight to see—the missing link?
He walks on water and green soup, too.
Beautiful Pinky with his chick tattoo.
April 22, 2007
HAve You Met Nadine?
April 21, 2007
April 20, 2007
April 19, 2007
April 18, 2007
April 17, 2007
If You're a Pinky Fan, You've Seen This One!
(update: This little pink shack is Miss Love's greenhouse--Sad to say, it's being sold. Pinky loves this picture.)