This poor biblical bear was turned to salt when he turned to look back on the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. (He is now in the Shively and Parson's circus--near the cotton candy vendor.)
Pinky Diablo is a Dallas area based preacher, retired zoo keeper, and trouble-maker for hire. Pinky has just left the zoo and will be making his mark in other ways around the metroplex.
Here is Pinky’s great-grandmother, Debo (the one in pink, of course), ordering her 43rd husband off her property with a pistol. Standing guard is Pinky’s grandmother (from Husband no. 15). Debo insisted on wearing white to every one of her weddings. She also used the same gift registry from the local department store. By the time she died, she had 72 toasters lined up in her kitchen. Granny D used to visit when she was a little girl. She called every new grandfather, Paw-Paw, and didn’t even realize they were different men.
Pinky’s great-aunt was named after her parents' favorite president, Grover Cleavland. Aunt Cleavie was a firecracker. When she was 19, she came in from the garden with a hummingbird attached to her hand. She had reached out to touch it, and it flew at her with such rage that its bill pierced her palm. The wound never healed. Pinky visited her once when she was 98. She made peanut butter cookies and bled on every delicious one of them!