hyperborean \hye-per-BOR-ee-un\ adjective
*1 : of or relating to an extreme northern region : frozen 2 : of or relating to any of the arctic peoples
Example sentence: Pinky's hyperborean relatives (he still has cousins in Nunavut) don't know what to make of his preference for Texas.
Did you know? In ancient Greek mythology, the "Hyperboreoi" were a people who lived in a northern paradise of perpetual sunshine beyond the reaches of the god of the north wind. Their name combines the prefix "hyper-," meaning "above," and "Boreas," the Greek name for the north wind. When "hyperborean" first appeared in the English language in the 15th century, it was a noun naming those legendary folk. Later, the noun was extended to actual inhabitants of northern climates, and the adjective came into use for anything related to the far north or the people who live there.