September 4, 2005

Pinky Has Psychic Powers!

Pinky feels some serious mojo from the Georgia area. When he holds his hand over Georgia on the atlas, he smells an overpowering scent of peaches. His head fills with the shuffling of sultry, slippered Southern Jeza-Belles. There are ladies there that need Pinky. Does your name start with an "S" ? He see socks, rocks in a box, an aunt with chicken pox, flocks of cocks, and knox unflavored gelatin. If this is you, put your hand on the peach and shout "Halleleujah for Pinky!"
Pinky replies, "Amen, sister!" (You can hear him, can't you, baby?!)
Now scroll down and read the entry about sending me some crayons! Load up the kids, Me-Maw, her lady-friend, and the goat, and head on over to Walmart!