Yesterday Pinky met a woman on the streets of Dallas that was obviously distressed. She was wearing huge sunglasses and had a hand lettered sign that read: F.O. Ghost. Pinky asked what that meant. She answered, "Fuck Off, Ghost." She was being hounded by a spirit. Pinky inquired further and discovered the ghost was a suicide victim that had killed herself two years ago. Pinky tried to give some advice: "Find out what the ghost wants and give it to her." (He got that from that movie.) She said she had already tried that. Pinky then told her that ghosts love cupcakes. (He made that up). He also tried a laying-on-of-the-hands. He took off her floppy hat and laid his hand firmly on her head and shouted, "OUT. OUT. OUT." He acknowledged that he was no expert in this area, but it was worth a try. The woman left feeling a little better, and headed toward the nearest bakery.