"Dear God,
I have never asked for much. And never asked anything for myself. This is a plea for the poor frightened children of the world. If there is one thing you can do to end chaos and fear in the world, it would be this one thing. Please make tornadoes pink. You have no idea how scary a big black tornado can be to a child. If only they were pink, there would not be so much fear in the world. Imagine how much better a concerned parent would feel hearing, 'Mommy, look at the pretty pinky tornado!' I am not asking you to end the destructive wrath of tornadoes. Of course, only you know why some are struck dead in such disasters and others saved, but the children faced with such terror (and well deserved, I am sure!) would be less fearful of tornadoes (and possibly even You) if they were a different color. I'm afraid the sample suggestion I have enclosed is a bit red. It looks more like a revolving column of blood. If I were you, I would make them more bubblegum pink. Amen.
PS. This is in NO WAY a personal plea. Those who know me, know that I have NO fear of tornadoes and am quite satisfied with the color they come in. This is SOLELY for the children of the world (especially those in the Tornado Belt)."