Surely, by now, you've heard the story of Pinky and the Moth. This happened in the famed childhood bed that caught on fire. (Pinky heroically put the fire out with wet towels before waking his parents.) The burnt hole at the foot of his bed didn't keep Pinky from sleeping (and dreaming) soundly. And you've seen the kind of dreams Pinky has! So Pinky was asleep and deep in a horrifying dream in which there was something covering his face and keeping him from seeing. It was one of those dreams that seemed to last all night. Finally, near dawn, Pinky wrestled himself awake and reached to turn on the replacement light (It was the old light that caused the previously mentioned fire). But the light wouldn't come on. Then Pinky realized something was on his face covering his eyes. Pinky touched his face and felt a fuzzy fluttering. He peeled it from the edge, letting in the light. There in his hand was the world's biggest moth (remember, Pinky lives in Texas). Pinky has never been the same since.