Today Pinky was at a local funeral home delivering a donation from some kindly folks to some other kindly, but needy folks. (It pays to be kindly, because if you're assy and needy, ain't nobody gonna help you. Anyway, this story is the pink honest truth--which perhaps sheds some doubt on the veracity of this morning's angel-in-the-pool tall tale.) When Pinky stepped back out into the hot sun of mid-morning he looked down on the sidewalk of the funeral home and saw a tiny hummingbird looking up at him. Now Pinky is not the superstitious type, but seeing a hummingbird, motionless at a funeral home, was at least noteworthy. He bent down to see if it was really alive and placed the funeral home receipt in front of the sparkling green bird. It hopped onto the paper, stood for a moment, then in a buzz, whizzed across the street. Pinky got in his car, and before he could start it, the hummingbird flew toward the windshield. Suddenly it veered off across the street again. Pinky waited, and a second time the hummingbird flew at him. Finally, a third time as well. After the third pass, the hummingbird flew straight down the middle of the street away from Pinky until he could no longer see the tiny blur. There was no lemon smell, but there was a good feeling in the air.