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Painful Eskimo Repressed Memory
Kamikjuuk hates walrus blubber. When he was a young boy, the slightly older neighborhood nerd (whose name can now be seen on TV as one of the developers of America's Funniest Icebergs) had a walrus blubber cooker in his filthy little shed behind his single mom's summer tent. If you pulled your pants down to your knees and ran from the shed door to the huge rock in the middle of the camp, you could have some walrus blubber. Now, number 1--walrus blubber looks like a mile of never-ending fun. Number 2--walrus blubber tastes like a boring afternoon chewing lunch for your great aunt. Number 3--performing prepubescent underweared antics for something good is probably what leads to fetishes. Number 4--performing said antics for walrus blubber leads to thinking about dirty underwear everytime you are around walrus blubber which is only found where all the cool hunter dudes hang out. So here's your math for the day: 1+2+3+4=Midnight Sun Depression