August 8, 2005

No. 8 in a Long, Boring Series

The Life of Pinky Diablo

Pinky D was the art teacher at a community college in the middle of the middle of Texas where there was a dress code that conflicted with Pinky's views of what art teachers should wear. He struggled for years trying to iron slacks that never quite fit and keep his wayward collars down. His students called him that teacher with the HAIR, because it was always bedhead before bedhead was bedhead. Then one day he had a vision. If Texas was a redneck state, why not get in a redneck state?! He was amazed at how people treated him, and now with boots and a ten-gallon hat he was head and shoulders above other men. In fact, a giant among men! The proudest day of his life was at the local feedstore, where a year before he would have been hounded out as a commie-pinko-faggot, he was asked if he had a workshop. Not knowing exactly what the cashier cowpoke was a-gettin' at, he answered, "Why, sure, I got me a WORKSHOP!" The cashier slowly reached under the counter and pulled out the semi-nude feedstore calendar that only He-men were allowed to have. Pinky had ARRIVED!