Baby Nubbums was famous for miles around. Folks wanted to see the toddler that climbed Earlynn Love’s TV tower. For nearly four years Baby Nubbums sat in the muddy indentation next to the screen door of the family trailer home gathering energy for the Great Climb. Before the Great Climb folks saw only a slowly growing pale lump of a child in an overflowing, tight-fitting diaper. After the Great Climb they saw a diaper full of CELEBRITY. Only Baby Nubbums’ father was not impressed with his toddler’s Rite of Passage. “Get out of the way, you big lump,” he shouted, stepping over the mud hole carrying a 12-pack and a week-end’s supply of snack crackers. Baby Nubbums’ mud hole was moist even though there hadn’t been a drop of rain all August. Talk was all around town, from the post office to the Dairy Queen: how could such a pasty, slippery slug-a-bug who had never been seen crawling, much less walking, manage to climb the tallest tower in the Tri-Counties?