April 23, 2008
Dear Friend of Pinky,
Firstly, you are way out of the loop if you don’t know that I have an alter-ego named Pinky Diablo. This started out rather tongue and cheek, but has evolved into something quite out of my hands. Pinky has been in the art and preaching business going on 5 years now. While this may sound frivolous and ridiculous to some of you more literal folks, Pinky has provided artistic and spiritual guidance to countless creative people in need. He has married fourteen couples (all still married), presided over countless funerals where families would otherwise have had to rely on preachers unfamiliar with the needs of FOP’s (friends of Pinky), and brought humor to some of the darkest places on the map (like
The Pinky side of me has been less active now that I quit my teaching career of twenty years and have taken a job at the Dallas Zoo as a zoo keeper. The pay is low—the hours long—the piles high, but I wouldn’t trade it for all the bananas in the world!
I have joined the American Association of Zoo Keepers and have decided to let Pinky help me with some fundraising. The
If Pinky has touched your life in some way, please consider helping Pinky and me raise money for the AAZK June Bowling for Rhinos event. Here are some ways you can help:
Send a check of any amount made out to Dallas AAZK to: Tom Sale,
If shucking out bucks for nothing isn’t your cup of tea—may Pinky and I appeal to your literary side? My kind Trilobite Press owning father has published a 45 page story of mine entitled The Sad and Lovely Life of Mr. Loomis. For a donation to rhino conservation in the amount of $10 or more, a signed copy of this book will be delivered by return post to your very own mailbox.
Maybe you need liquor. On Thursday evening, May 22, 2008, from 5:30-9 PM, Pinky is hosting an exhibit of works by himself,
Pass this invitation on to friends and colleagues who might have a soft spot for some good old-fashioned rhino conservation (or maybe who has met Pinky in his travels around the state.)
Pray for rhinos. No money is necessary for this approach and Pinky somewhat firmly believes in the power of prayer and meditation, especially when it is not focused on your own person gain—monetary or otherwise. (Pinky’s personal pet prayer project is praying for all the dead birds in the word.)
Pinky believes that a little humor and compassion go a long way to healing the ills of the world (so please bear with his quirkiness). You can see by all of Pinky’s activities and projects that he is a busy little monkey and quite serious about this effort. Help out a down and out rhino today.
Tom can be contacted at tomfsale@hughes.net or at 214 244 9551 if you need more info or a personal counseling session. Pinky’s antics can be followed at www.oneandonlypinky.blogspot.com