December 31, 2006
December 30, 2006
December 28, 2006
Diablo Inc.'s Entry in the Rose Bowl Parade (or the Parable of the Juggernaut)
Pinky's Rose Bowl Juggernaut
The term juggernaut is used to describe any literal or metaphorical force regarded as unstoppable that will crush all in its path. In Britian, it is also used to refer to any large and heavy lorry.
The word is derived from the Sanskrit Jagannātha, meaning "Lord of the universe"; it is one of the many names of Krishna from the ancient Vedic scriptures of India. One of the most famous of Indian temples is theJagannath Temple in Puri, Orissa, which has the Ratha Yatra (chariot procession), an annual procession of chariots carrying the mutris/statues of Jagannath (Lord Krishna), Subhadra and Baladeva (Krishna's elder brother). During theBritish colonial era, Christian missionaries promulgated a myth that Hindu devotees of Krishna were lunatic fanatics who threw themselves under the wheels of these chariots in order to attain salvation. Such a description can also be found in the popular fourteenth-century work "The Travels of Sir John Mandeville." The fact is that devotees have sometimes been crushed accidentally in the past as the massive 45 foot tall, multi-ton chariot slipped out of control. Many have also been killed in the resulting stampedes. The sight led the Britons to use the word "Juggernaut" to refer to other instances of unstoppable, crushing forces.
In modern times, the government officers and temple priests managing the festival take elaborate precautions to protect people from injury during these processions.
Pinky's New Part Time Job
Art Advice
December 26, 2006
Be the Person You Want to Be
As Pinky's New Year's resolution, he has decided to become more corporate. So, as the leader of Diablo Inc., Pinky has commissioned Mr. M. Ross to paint this business-like portrait of the man Pinky is to become. For those of you lucky enough to see Pinky in person, watch for this change. (It will be gradual, but noticeable!)
December 25, 2006
Christmas Letter
Pinky and Miss Love have been busy this year. Miss Love made a pilgrimage to the Lousiana State Fair in your name. She made most of the trip in Pinky's car but did crawl on her knees from the Exxon at Exit 332 to the entrance ramp at Exit 332 on I-20. Even though they had a Jewish friend in the car, doesn't that count as a holy trip? Pinky has been painting little scenes of Hell and Death that he hopes You find humorous. Let him know if You don't and he won't send You another one for Your birthday next year. By the way, Miss Love wants to know what all the excitement is about advent calendars. She always wanted one, but her family was Baptist. Pinky said they were a huge disappointment (only having a stupid little picture of a bird or something inside the little door, and kids always opened them all up the first day anyway). Pinky and Miss Love have discovered their house is built on an old Indian burial mound. They haven't had a decent night's sleep in over five years. So they bought some new land (that Pinky exorcised immediately) and hope to be sleeping better next year. If you have any extra building materials or fruitcake, please send them to help build their dream home. (and a rescue barn for wayward cows) Miss Love has been successful selling her tiny zebu (, and Pinky has been cleaning out his closet all year. He now has only 3 pairs of pants, 2 shirts, and his funeral suit. You seem to be happy with just the one robe, so Pinky is trying to walk in Your footsteps. Well, that's about all.
Merry Christmas and Happy Hannukah! --Diablo Inc.
December 23, 2006
Diablo Inc.'s New Corporate Art Collection
Christmas Rant
December 13, 2006
Miss Love Disrespects Texas Every Day
December 12, 2006
December 10, 2006
December 4, 2006
December 1, 2006
November 29, 2006
November 25, 2006
November 24, 2006
Miss Love: Buddhist Philosopher
Worst Thanksgiving Ever
November 22, 2006
Pinky Begs Jesus' Forgiveness in Pre-Thanksgiving Prayer
P.S. Now that we think about it, that was more a let-you-know kind of prayer than a begging-forgiveness kind of prayer, and you might not even be interesting in our menu at all. Sorry to bother you.